About Us

Our Story

Alive Christian Ministries began in 2007 with a small group of people meeting together to worship and learn about the Living God.

This group of people quickly grew too big for meeting in a family home and so we began holding our Sunday morning meetings at Bridgwater Rugby Club.

In 2011 we moved to 58 Salmon Parade; we began by upgrading the building and decorating so that we had a building that met our needs as a Church.

In January 2020 we took the decision that we were not going to renew our lease on Salmon Parade when it was due in January 2021. So we prayed and sought God for His plan for Alive Christian Ministries, we have since partnered with Bridgwater Baptist Church and we believe that this is an exciting new chapter in the life of Alive Christian Ministries.

In 2024 we have changed our working name to be Alive Family Church.

The Leadership Team

Norman Richards

Kay Richards

Phil Cooper

Angela Cooper

James Mayl

Carol Mayl

We Believe:


  • The Bible is the Living Word of God
  • Jesus was fully God and fully man, He walked the earth as documented in the Bible, He was without sin
  • Jesus died on the cross for all of our sins and reconciling us with God
  • Jesus was resurrected from death
  • Jesus will come again
  • That God is three in one: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit

Our Core Values


  • Lost people matter to God, so they matter to us.
  • People’s lives are changed when they meet God through Jesus Christ
  • We strive for excellence in all that we do

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